Islamic ringtones APK

Best ramzan Islamic ringtones can be used as call, notifications, SMS, or alarm.
Published by  AMK Ringtones
18  Ratings10  Comments

APK Details

CategoryMusic & Audio
Last Updated2018-04-23
Latest Version1.0
Size27.75 MB
Android version4.0.3 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Islamic ringtones APK screenshot 1Islamic ringtones APK screenshot 1Islamic ringtones APK screenshot 1

Islamic ringtones APK Description

Islamic ringtones and Songs is a free application that contains a collection of the best and most famous Islamic ringtones of 2017 and 2018.

It also contains various choises of Nasheed ‘religious songs’, Makkah azan, some Famous Duaa, and Islamic Notification like fajar alarm, Islamic alarm ringtones so you can enjoy the beautiful islamic ringtones.

Features :-
- userfriendly interface, just tap on any ringtone in the list and set the sound as your choice .
- Free islamic ringtones for everyone’s choice .
- Work offline , no need of internet.
- Set as ringtone for call / contact ringtone / alarm sound and notifications .
- Best and amazing collection of Islamic Ringtones on the market .
- Completely free, this is the full version .
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- Best Islamic Ringtones
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- Halal ringtones
- Phone Ringtones
- Android ringtones
- Ringtones for all phones
- Marshmallow Ringtones
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- All devices ringtones
- All phones ringtones
- Islamic Ringtones for all phones
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- Set Islamic sounds as Ringtone, Alarm, notification and contact lists.

Most Amazing Rintones:-
Ayatul Kursi
Azan Makkah
Azan Masjid Nabvi
Fajar alarm
Hasbi Rabbi Jallallah
I am a muslim
Indal Fajri Subhanallah
Islamic kalma
Labbaik Allahuma
Names of Allah
Qasida Burda Sharif
Subhan Allah
Ya Taiba

Islamic ringtones APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.0
27.75 MB
Apr 23, 2018