FM recommends recipes based on your food in stock. Manage your food easily!
Published by  Tobias Aeschbacher
14  Ratings9  Comments
APK Details
Last Updated
Latest Version
1.75 MB
Android version
4.0 and up
Content Rating
Food Manager APK Description
Food Manager (FM) allows you to manage your food. You're able to add your food to this application and then the application gives you suggestions what to cook. It's also possible to add your recipes.
- Suggestions are based on your personal provisions. - The recipes at the top are most recommended. - Recipes, which need food which expires soon, are more recommended. - Recipes, which require an exact amount of food in stock, receive also a higher rating. - Relating to the rating, expired food counts equal - it doesn't depend wheather the food is 2 days or 3 years old.
The option "Start-Entries" allows you to test the application without to add much entries. It's always possible to reset your database (just go to settings).
Note: Take care with the unit of the amount. You should always use the same unit for each type of food. Example: For bread you use always the same unit. For apples you may use another unit, but for each apple-entry (food AND recipes) you use the same unit.