Christian music is a sung prayer. The name of Gregorian chant (or plain chant) is attributed to Pope Gregory I (590-604) for the fact of its compilation. Used in the liturgy of the Catholic Church; the texts are extracted from the Bible and were collected from the songs of the first Christians. Pope Gregory created a school in Rome of singers whose purpose was to spread the Gregorian chant, with the songs collected and composed by him. Catholic liturgy has its origin in the Jewish synagogues and the songs of the first Christian communities, a liturgy based on the reading of sacred texts and the intonation of the psalms. Independently of its religious character, it has the faculty of transmitting peace to our spirit and inviting us to meditation. Also used in holistic or relaxation therapies. A Mass with a Gregorian chant is listening more than music; you will open your mind to God, your soul and spirit. During the liturgy, there are two great pieces: Ordinary moment: They are texts that are repeated: Gloria in excelsis Deo, Credo, Snato, Benedictus and Agnus Dei. Own moment: They are texts that are sung according to the celebrations that are celebrated: Introito (at the beginning of the mass), gradual or alleluia (after reading), offertory (accompanying the presentation of offerings and communion proper). Other songs are recitatives, which are related to prayers, readings or the Our Father. With our app you will find the music of God our Lord in your soul. The monks of Silos give thanks to God with their psalms and prayers several times a day, their voices vibrate with the sound of religious music with the bottom of the organ. During the Holy Week the small town of Burgos of Silos can attend the services in the Benedictine Abbey of Santo Domingo. The Gregorian National Dissemination Center is based in Silos. In our app you will hear the best songs and best videos of Christian congregations: Puer Natus Est Nobis: Introit (Mode VII) Genuit Puerpera Regem: Antiphon And Psalm 99 (Mode II) Ave Mundi Spes Maria: Sequence (Modes VII and VIII) Occuli Omnium: Gradual (Mode VII) Veni Creator Spiritus: Hymn (Mode VIII) Alleluia, Beatus Vir Qui Suffert (Mode I) Os Iusti: Gradual (Mode I) Spiritus Domini: Introit (Mode VIII) Kyri Fons Bonitatis: Tropo (Mode III)