Blip! APK

Report on who signs in and out of the office via our friendly QR Codes!
Published by  BrightHR
19  Ratings10  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-10-05
Latest Version3.1.3(97)
Size5.95 MB
Android version5.0 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Blip! APK screenshot 1Blip! APK screenshot 1Blip! APK screenshot 1

Blip! APK Description

Free for BrightHR customers, Blip is a clocking system that lets you keep an eye on your staff’s work hours.

Your employees use the app to scan a QR code—a type of barcode—when they arrive or leave work. Each time they scan the code, Blip will register them as clocked in or out.

Just download the app and generate an easy-to-print QR code. Print off as many as you like and dot them around your workplace where your staff can see them.

But there’s more. At the tap of a button, your staff can log the start and end of their breaks—and you can see how long and how often your staff take downtime.

Use Blip to track staff hours on the go:
- Check when your staff are working and see whether they’re taking enough downtime in an instant.
- Amend an incorrect shift or break time in a few quick taps.
- View a full history of your team’s work hours (including breaks) and filter the date range easily.
- Export your team’s work history and save it as a spreadsheet in a tap.

Blip! APK Versions

Latest Version

v 3.1.3(97)
5.95 MB
Dec 20, 2018

Other Versions

v 3.1(86)
5.87 MB
Oct 5, 2018