Xoso APK

Android App for Xoso Sport & Social League
Published by  Mobile Leagues
14  Ratings11  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-08-13
Latest Version1.7.2
Size8.31 MB
Android version4.1 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Xoso APK screenshot 1Xoso APK screenshot 1Xoso APK screenshot 1

Xoso APK Description

The Xoso Sport & Social League Android app allows players to get notifications (rainouts, results, league news, and more), chat with their teammates, receive discounts around town, and view team schedules & standings on their mobile device.

Xoso APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.7.2
8.31 MB
Nov 28, 2018

Other Versions

v 1.6.6
8.21 MB
Aug 13, 2018