Six animations to understand volcanism, used in geology (high school level students): 1- MAGMA VISCOSITY AND TYPE OF ERUPTION: Animation to understand how a fluid or viscous magma can lead to an eruption of explosive or effusive kind. 2- DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOES OF THE WORLD: Animation to visualize the distribution of effusive and explosive volcanoes in the ocean ridges and oceanic trenches. 3- VOLCANIC RISK (eg Reunion Island): entertainment to highlight the volcanic hazard, issues and therefore the volcanic risks. 4- MONITORING VOLCANOES: Animation to understand how volcano monitoring instruments work. 5- PREVENTION OF VOLCANIC RISKS: Animation to know more about means of prevention when dealing with volcanic hazards. 6- HISTORY OF "FOURNAISE" volcano (Reunion Island): Animation to understand more about "Piton de la Fournaise" volcano history.